Jun 16, 2015

What a great finale of the asparagus season!

An Italian Sauvignon Blanc paired with a salad of asparagus and strawberries
Asparagus salad with Italian wine
In Germany asparagus is the first domestic vegetable in the year and from the start of the season mid of April until the last harvest - which traditionally is latest at the 24th of June – you won’t find a local restaurant not serving at least one dish with asparagus. Most common is the white asparagus, usually served boiled together with potatoes and traditionally paired with a light white wine like a Silvaner.

Fortunately the end of the asparagus seasons falls into the beginning of the strawberry season. A great chance to bring together both for a delicate salad. Green asparagus suits perfect with the delicious fruits and a sweetened vinaigrette.

This tasty salad goes pretty well together with a more aromatic wine like a Sauvignon Blanc. I choose one from the Northeast of Italy, the wine region called Friuli. The Sauvignon Blanc corresponds with its grassy and flowery flavors and its straight fruity taste on the palate quite well with the savory taste of the green asparagus and the fruity notes of the strawberries. Acidity on both sides - the wine and the vinaigrette - complete the flavor experience.
